Connecting dots.


Commerce in the last 80 years followed a particular model. A model based on the industrial revolution. Produce in mass and distribute. This model introduced companies like Macys, Target, Tesco, Pret..etc.

Amazon followed steps and took the same model online. It was Amazon's choice to become basics.

The world has changed

Work lifestyle has changed significantly in the last two decades. Starting from the way coffee is being served to how people prefer independent fashion designers over brands to how employers accepted the fact that employees can work for them and freelance at the same time.

The future is the resource economy

We went through the mass economy to the knowledge economy to the internet economy to the gig economy. The future is the resource economy.

Huh..? But what is a resource?

A resource can be anything. What an individual or a group of people can contribute to the economy without the need to acquire a new skill.

A resource could be a skill, an effort or a space.


Currently, a skillful jam producer must learn everything about Shopify to sell online before utilizing their own skill. Which is producing a delicious jam. Once they sell online, they need to learn about GA, SEO and get into the maze of plugin providers. Now they need to learn what these plugin providers do (the API economy).


An individual with a common knowledge of managing online/offline stores can contribute time to manage a store on full-time or part time basis.


A shop owner can contribute by plugging their store into the economy. Their store could be an outlet, a storage or a sorting point.